Ivory Michaels

Experience the Magic of Drag Shows with Ivory Michaels at Babes of Carytown

If you’re looking for a night filled with glamour, laughter, and unforgettable performances, look no further than the drag shows hosted by the incredible Ivory Michaels at Babes of Carytown. These shows are a dazzling spectacle that will leave you in awe and keep you coming back for more. Why I Love Ivory Michaels’ Drag…

Free Weight Loss Apps
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Weight Loss Apps: Google Fit, MyFitnessPal, Achievement & Water Drink Reminder

Week one of operation get skinty was somewhat successful. Blogging and using social media to keep me accountable seems to be working. Minus one night where I decided to have champagne and make a “tipsy” blog post and cheating a bit too much over the weekend. I have started using a few weight loss apps to help…

I Got My First Ticket

I Got My First Ticket

I have always been a ‘safe driver’ without a ticket. In fact, I always told my friends they better do this or do that or they’d get busted. One of the main things I always harped on was stopping completely at stop signs! Gotta love a backseat driver. 🙂 I have been told by multiple…