
Cheat Days Happen [Weight Loss Update] #TIPSY

This is just a quick late night blog post.

I went in to work today nervous about my weight gain because it was “picture day.”

I was nervous because we were getting new head shots and I am super self conscious about my weight gain. No, I don’t look horrible… but I know that I definitely don’t look my best. (Shout out to my roommate who sent a photo of me and her 500 pounds ago.)

OnAirAustin and Roommate Susan

*I would like to make a side note… it’s National Margarita Day and I didn’t get to celebrate today, so I am halfway through a bottle of champaign celebrating made up “National Mimosa Night,” lol.


ANYWAY… back to my #TIPSY blog post.

This week I have been doing a great job exercising and eating right, and I am proud of myself. However, I woke up earlier than normal to go into work this morning to have my picture taken. I got ready and went to work.

Getting the photos taken took a little bit longer than I expected because ONE, I am extra, and TWO I didn’t think about my other coworkers that had to get their pictures taken, lol. BLESS the beautiful photographer for her patience.

ANYWAY. I got it done and afterwards I was hungry. I’m sorry but I have no self control. My coworkers also mentioned that they were hungry so we ended up at one of the local Chinese buffets.

I cheated at lunch so I automatically decided today was a “loss.”

Because I cheated on lunch I decided I didn’t need to run or workout… so here I am at home drinking “mimosas” aka champagne with a splash of orange juice… which is a major violation of my diet! I wouldn’t have done this if I hadn’t cheated at lunch.

So anyway, this is a #TIPSY post that is word vomit, but I guess the point is if I derail a little, I derail all the way.

Do you ever cheat? Do you go ALL OUT? How do you make up for it? How do you avoid it?

Drop your comments below.

So here’s #TIPSY blog post #1! lol! Sorry for rambling and thanks for reading!

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